2020 is a turning point year! Check out your 2020 horoscopes to see why and what's in store for you during this year of major change!
With so much coming in 2020, we'll all need to stay on our toes to keep up with the pace of change.
At the same time, we'll have times where we can slow down to make sense of the bigger picture. That's a perfect way to use astrology - and your 2020 horoscope!
During 2020 (particularly during retrograde periods), use your horoscope to focus on long term patterns, how your life is evolving, and where you want to take it in the future.
You also may find it helpful to look back in your life as you assess personal life patterns.
Thank you so much for being here.
Enjoy your horoscope - and your year!
I wish you the very best in life, always!