Ready for some high energy?
That's generally what's in store when we experience a full Moon.
This full Moon schedule for 2022 tells you exactly when to expect these high vibrational periods so you can plan ahead.
Here is your complete full Moon schedule for 2022. It includes times for the exact moment the Moon is full; the dates and times shown in bold face type indicate full Moons that coincide with lunar eclipses. For each full Moon, click the zodiac sign in the left column to see an article with information about the sign. Every star sign offers special opportunities at a full Moon: use them for everything from closing a chapter to welcoming an "aha!" insight to getting the clarity you need about areas of life the sign oversees.
NOTE: Dates and times are based on U.S. central time.
2022 | ||
Cancer | January 17 | 5:48 p.m. |
Leo | February 16 | 10:58 a.m. |
Virgo | March 18 | 2:19 a.m. |
Libra | April 16 | 1:56 p.m. |
Scorpio | May 15 (total lunar eclipse) | 11:15 p.m. |
Sagittarius | June 14 | 6:53 a.m. |
Capricorn | July 13 | 1:39 p.m. |
Aquarius | August 11 | 8:37 p.m. |
Pisces | September 10 | 5:00 a.m. |
Aries | October 9 | 3:56 p.m. |
Taurus | November 8 (total lunar eclipse) | 5:03 a.m. |
Gemini | December 7 | 10:09 p.m. |
2023 | ||
Cancer | January 6, 2023 | 5:09 p.m. |
Full Moons can feel so intense because they bring powerful energy.
While a new Moon arrives when the Sun and Moon come together in the same part of the zodiac, a full Moon comes once the Moon has zipped ahead of the Sun halfway around the zodiac and sits exactly opposite the Sun's location.
That positioning gives us a picture of every full Moon's power: the Sun and Moon face off across the sky, like two opponents in a boxing ring. Some project, relationship, or other factor in our lives has been building up, growing in intensity, and now these two lights in the sky have to duke it out to come to some kind of resolution.
The stakes feel high because the Moon amplifies feelings and tender spots inside us while the Sun governs our very life and sense of vitality (and ego). Both want to win, but they have to work out a solution that respects both Sun (individuality, personality) and Moon (emotional needs, security).
In our personal lives as well as the world at large, a full Moon means we need to see what's gone out of balance, accept the truth of what's being revealed, and then use what we learn to reconfigure what needs improvement.
To use full Moons well, it's helpful to mark your calendar and plan ahead.
Pay special attention to the full Moon happening in your own zodiac sign and in the sign opposite your zodiac sign, as those two full Moons can have extra impact for you personally.
During the two weeks before any full Moon, think about what you just started (or began taking to a new level) at the new Moon. You'll find that the full Moon generally brings some kind of completion (and often a climax), either to something that began two weeks earlier at the new Moon or something else that's ripe for closure or entering a new phase.
For example, the full Moon in Leo this year on February 16 may relate to something you started at (or soon after) the new Moon in Leo's opposite sign, Aquarius, on January 31.
If you're working to launch something new, the full Moon can prod you to take action and get it done. The energy will build and build, and the momentum leading to the full Moon can put wind in your sails to make fast progress and complete critical tasks.
If you're experiencing challenges, perhaps with a relationship or in your job, and you're wondering whether to bring up concerns to clear the air (or even make a change), the period leading to the full Moon can help you gather courage to communicate your needs and wishes. If there's something you need to express, full Moon energy can support getting it out into the open.
If you're not the one speaking up, you (or someone you know) could receive possibly intense information around a full Moon. Keep in mind that news and changes may arrive at any point during the days leading up to the full Moon. That's why it's a good idea to keep your schedule loose during that period.
More time meditating can help you navigate the sometimes bumpy ride the full Moon brings. All you do to remain centered and as peaceful as possible will help not only you and your personal situation but everyone around you.
Generally twice a year, we have full Moons that come with eclipses.
In each case, these extra special full Moons bring lunar eclipses. That means the Moon and Sun line up exactly with the Earth in a way that the Earth temporarily blocks the light being reflected from the full Moon.
In 2022, we'll see two lunar eclipses. Each will be a total lunar eclipse, one of the most compelling and beautiful sights we can enjoy from planet Earth. (Also, it's perfectly safe to gaze continually at the Moon and any lunar eclipse - unlike solar eclipses, which require special gear to view safely.)
The May 15 total lunar eclipse's total phase (when the lunar disk is fully eclipsed) will be visible from North and South America, Europe, Africa, and parts of Asia.
The November 8 total lunar eclipse will be visible from Asia, Australia, North America, parts of northern and eastern Europe, and most of South America.
If you live in any of these areas, take advantage of your location to go out and enjoy the sight. You may find these eclipse dates excellent times for meditation as well as contemplation of Earth's bounty and beauty.
Along with the full Moon phase, you'll find that it's useful to understand a little bit about some of the other Moon phases.
Find out about some other important Moon phases - click the links below to see all my articles about the new Moon and balsamic Moon phases:
Thank you for your full moon guide. It is very nice for you to do that! I really enjoy your website and emails. Namaste, Nancy
Oh Nancy, you're welcome! Thank you for making time to post a comment: I'm delighted to hear how much you're enjoying my site and email newsletter. I really appreciate your good wishes! Happy 2022!