Scorpio Horoscope 2022

Starry crimson sky for Scorpio 2022 horoscope - love, money, and destiny

Scorpio! Welcome to the new year and happy 2022!

Plenty of action is coming your way this year, but first let’s take a little look back at the past year.

How did 2021 go for you? How has your new cosmic mission in the Age Of Aquarius been going? Check your 2021 horoscope to stroll mentally through the past year because it’s your foundation for the new year.

Congratulations on all the changes you weathered, Scorpio! And the steps you took to bring yourself forward into the new age we’re all creating these days.

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As 2022 begins, you may feel excited about new ideas for increasing income or upgrading what you do for a living, or you may want to rush into a creative or communication project. Yet the skies indicate you’re better off pressing a big “pause” button until the second week of February:

  • Venus, planet of love, money, justice, and values, went retrograde in Capricorn (your third house of communication, local travel, and siblings) December 19 and will remain in reverse motion until January 29. Even after Venus's retrograde ends, it will take this planet several weeks to get back up to speed, so you’ll need to take your time not only experiencing this backward look but then figuring out what you want to do with what you learn once it’s over.
  • Mercury, the planet ruling communication as well as cars, computers, cell phones, and all other items with moving parts, will join Venus in slowdown mode when it goes retrograde January 14 through February 3. This Mercury retrograde starts in Aquarius, your fourth house of home and family, and concludes in Capricorn, where it will amplify all the themes Venus is activating in your third house.
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So do take the first several weeks of 2022 for reflection and all things “re” - review, redo, rework, reassess. You know the drill. See the articles on Venus retrograde and Mercury retrograde for guidance throughout this period.

Also, pay attention to what happens January 18, as you’ll experience two major celestial shifts:

  • Uranus, the lightning fast planet of sudden awakenings and change, will end months of retrograde in Taurus, your seventh house of partnerships (personal and business) and legal agreements. This area also covers competitors and even what ancient astrologers called your “open enemies.” (Calm down, Scorpio! Uranus can help you outwit them instead of having to go to battle!)
  • The North Node, a point in space involving the Moon’s orbit where it intersects the Sun’s path in the sky, will leave Gemini, your shared money house, for Taurus, where it will stay for a year and a half; meanwhile the South Node will slip into Scorpio, your first house of personality, vitality, and passion projects. The North Node tells where we need to go to step boldly into the future and evolve into our better selves, while the South Node tells of past experiences we must grow beyond (but can use to fulfill the North Node’s calls to action).

With both Uranus and the North Node in your Taurus house, you’ll have a double push to get on with your new Age Of Aquarius cosmic mission. You may feel an urge to initiate changes in partnerships and agreements, but you’ll be better off you hold off until February. Instead, sense the future in meditation, visualize the changes you want, and plan for “full speed ahead” future action after the first quarter of 2022.

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You’ll be glad you took your time because your astrology in this new year may feel karmic and highly complex. Here are the main factors to keep in mind:

  • With Uranus and the North Node in Taurus, Venus has become a key player in your planetary lineup. Venus rules Taurus, so any action in that sign immediately points to Venus. Especially in 2022, you can help yourself by tracking this planet’s moves through the zodiac.
  • As 2022 begins, Venus is retrograde in Capricorn. Because of this reverse motion, Venus is spending four months in this sign, from November 5, 2021, through March 6, 2022, instead of the typical three to four weeks in a given zodiac sign. That means you’re in an extra long class in how to deploy all things Venus (love, money, relationships, justice, diplomacy) more efficiently to improve all sorts of communication, from writing and speaking to body language and translation.
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  • Venus last retrograded in Capricorn eight years ago, from December 21, 2013, through January 31, 2014. Look back to that period to see what you worked on and how you upgraded your communications as well as ties with siblings and neighbors and what types of short trips you took. It’s time to revisit those actions and evolve above and beyond.
  • Further complicating matters, Pluto, your tiny yet mighty ruling planet, has been in Capricorn since late 2008. Like a power player, sitting silently in the back of the room, Pluto has been working down to the soul level to push you forward by ejecting whatever third house habits - and people, places, and things - need to go out of your life. So you’ve been working on this soul assignment for years, and 2022 is upping the ante.
  • Venus is bringing it all to a head, colliding with Pluto on December 11 and 26, 2021, and again on March 3, 2022. This three stage tango will push you to walk your talk in terms of what you truly value, in alignment with your very soul. It’s also asking you to “talk your walk” by figuring out how to express these life changing experiences in how you communicate and how you relate to others. You may write a book, or you may simply become a more seasoned, sober communicator who considers other people’s feelings or treats everyone with greater tact or justice or kindness.

A couple of dates may spotlight your progress on this work, Scorpio. On February 16, Mars and Venus will come together in this same Capricorn house, testing how well you combine love with action. On March 6, these two will meet again, this time in the first degree of Aquarius in your fourth house of home, family, and spiritual roots, giving you a chance to showcase your learnings in a different area of life. Again, because Uranus and the North Node in Taurus are pointing to Venus, this experience may have an Age Of Aquarius, futuristic sense of urgency.

More “Taurus pointing to Venus” times will arrive later in the year, when the Sun moves through Taurus April 19 through May 20; Mercury livens up Taurus April 10 through 29 and May 22 through June 13; Venus grows super powerful Taurus (because she rules this sign) May 28 through June 22; and Mars revs up Taurus July 5 through August 20. Your spouse and other partners may be blessed or empowered in various ways during these times, so let go and let them take the lead.

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One other major factor in play for you, Scorpio, will be this year’s eclipses. Because the North Node has moved into Taurus, all four eclipses will happen either in your zodiac sign or in Taurus. When the skies present this kind of setup involving your sign, you’re likely to experience significant changes in the form of endings and new beginnings. Personal projects, key alliances, home, and career all will come up for review and positive change if you allow what’s outworn to fall away and embrace new (and potentially unusual or quirky) people and opportunities entering your sphere.

Here are the dates to watch:

  • April 30: new Moon solar eclipse in Taurus. New people or a fresh take on existing partnerships. Think outside your usual secret black box and consider novel ways to relate and spar with (or, gasp, cooperate with) competitors.
  • May 15-16: full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Jettison unworkable health habits, let go of stagnant projects, and reinvent how you present yourself to the world.
  • October 25: new Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio. Capitalize on the space cleared May 15-16 by initiating exciting new personal projects, getting a makeover, or upgrading your personality or health.
  • November 8: full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. Guide anything begun around April 30 to fruition, evaluate recent partnerships, and refresh and streamline agreements with your marriage or business partners.

What a year for you, Scorpio!

With so much happening that has you in the center of the action, it’s a great time to get a reading. Check out all the different types of readings available here:

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Enjoy the ride as you reinvent and spiral upward. Happy new year!

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