Which Zodiac Sign Am I?

What's your sign - what zodiac sign am I graphic

Are you wondering "which zodiac sign am I?"

It's easy to figure out, using our handy chart. Just look at the list of dates below to find which date range contains your birth date, and then read across to find your zodiac sign:

21 March - 20 AprilARIES Get Report
21 April - 21 MayTAURUS Get Report
22 May - 21 JuneGEMINI Get Report
22 June - 22 JulyCANCER Get Report
23 July - 22 AugustLEO Get Report
23 August - 23 SeptemberVIRGO Get Report
24 September - 23 OctoberLIBRA Get Report
24 October - 22 NovemberSCORPIO Get Report
23 November - 21 DecemberSAGITTARIUS Get Report
22 December - 20 JanuaryCAPRICORN Get Report
21 January - 19 FebruaryAQUARIUS Get Report
20 February - 20 MarchPISCES Get Report

Find Out More With A Horoscope Report

Find out about your sign with a personalized horoscope report. You can find out the top three birth chart reports now:

SeeTop 3 Reports

And if you're wondering how to choose which astrology horoscope report is best for you, we have you covered. See the article on How To Choose An Astrology Report to know exactly what you need!

How To Choose

If You Were Born At The Start Or End Of A Zodiac Sign

This chart shows the approximate dates for all the astrology signs.

But did you know that the Sun’s movement into the signs varies every year? If you were born within two days of the start date of any sign, you need to verify your sign.

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Before Technology: Born On The Cusp

Years ago, before computers made astrology calculations easy, people born around the start or end of signs were said to be born on the cusp. Meaning they were born on the edge between two zodiac signs. And they had to guess which of the two signs they were born under, based on which seemed to fit their personality better. Or just blend the traits of both signs to get a sense of their personality.

But nobody truly is born on the cusp. You're either one sign or the other. It's just that, without technology, it could be hard and tedious to figure out your true sign.

If people born between signs wanted an accurate way to find out their true sign, they had to work with an astrologer to have a custom chart calculated by hand to verify their zodiac sign.

Enter Technology: Know Your Sign For Sure!

But now, thanks to modern technology, you can get your chart yourself, instantly, using our free birth chart feature in our Chart Services area.

Get Your Birth Chart Now

You can get a free copy of your birth chart if you have the date, time, and place of your birth. Go to our free birth chart page now to get yours!

Find Out Your Zodiac Sign

Once you have your chart, you'll be able to see exactly what your zodiac sign is using the instructions and information on our free birth chart page.

Also, you'll be able to enjoy your detailed horoscope - and plan your life so you can take advantage of every opportunity that comes your way.

The Key To Your Zodiac Sign: Your Personalized Horoscope Report

You can learn even more about your sign with a personalized astrology horoscope report. Choose from a natal report to find out about your chart and personality, or a compatibility report to find out about a relationship (and see if someone is "the one"!), or a forecast report to see what's in your future.

Get details on how to choose which report is best for you:

How To Choose

Check Out Your Detailed Horoscope

Knowing for sure what your zodiac sign is gives you so many advantages, including:

  • A stronger sense of your purpose in this incarnation
  • Clues about your temperament, talents, and skills
  • Greater self-understanding, leading to better relationships
  • Greater ability to flow with life, knowing when to pause and when to push forward

Most important, it tells you which horoscope to read!

Make Astrology Work For You

An astrology report is the fastest, easiest way into your personal astrology. 
It's the key to getting the life you want! 
Shop Now

So now that you know what zodiac sign you are, be sure to check your detailed horoscope. And do bookmark your horoscope and return to often, because you'll find it gives you specific guidance for trends throughout the year (plus links for more information), based on every important planetary alignment happening in current astrology.

And check out the top three horoscope birth chart reports to get even more personalized astrology:

Top 3 Reports

Enjoy your sign and your chart—and your horoscope!

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16 comments on “Which Zodiac Sign Am I?”

  1. Hey Anne, my name is Shaun Anthony Donnelly. I had a question about Gemini and Sagittarius.

    1. Hi, Shaun!

      I replied to your comment on the Can Your Horoscope Change post but wanted to reply here, too.

      Thanks again for visiting and for posting at length! Please visit the Can Your Horoscope Change post to see my response to your many ideas and questions. Glad you posted about these two signs, which gave me a chance to share the astrological axis concept for opposite signs!

    1. Hi, Dominique. Your horoscope sign will always be the same, throughout your life. There's something called progressions, however, that show how your astrological chart evolves over your lifetime. In that sense, you will have experiences in other horoscope signs that add to your basic nature. You can find out more about progressions in a personal reading:

      Astrology reading: https://astrologeranne.com/astrology-readings/astrology-readings-with-astrologer-anne/
      Akashic records reading: https://astrologeranne.com/akashic-records-readings/akashic-records-readings-with-astrologer-anne/
      Deluxe reading-astrology and akashic records reading: https://astrologeranne.com/spiritual-fusion-consulting/

      Full details are on each of these pages, including information on how to sign up if you decide to have a personal, fully custom reading.

      Thanks again for getting in touch! Enjoy your weekend.

  2. thank u very much that helped a lot thank u have a great Valentine by the way HAPPY VALENTINES DAY.

  3. My zodiac sign is ARIES. My life is going to the bad condition every time when in invested a money into my business that goes to lose since 2017 I lose the 8 lace in my Owen business and not get any profit from them please sages me the answers what type of work I do of my future going to happy. please help me. thanks for your information. that is usefully for me.
    give me the astrology services

  4. Hi Anne! On your website page titled "Which Zodiac Sign Am I", you reference and provide a link to a birth chart calculator. When I click on that link it does not take me to the calculator, but just back to the horoscope page. Is this a broken link, or have you discontinued this feature?

    1. Hi, Corinne. Thanks for getting in touch! And thank you for letting us know about the calculator. The service that provided the one we used changed its products, so it's no longer available. We've just updated our site with a new service you can use to get your chart. You can find it here: https://astrologeranne.com/181/free-birth-chart-service/

      Thanks again! Great to hear from you and enjoy your chart and all the details about it. What sign are you?

  5. Congratulations, Anne!
    Your insights and power of communication will inform many!
    Happy New Year!

  6. Great website, Anne. I liked the page on FB and invited some of my FB family and friends to like it as well.
    Well done. Thank you. Best wishes for 2018 and beyond. 💖

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