Free Birth Chart

You can get a free copy of your birth chart now by using our Chart Services.

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Go to our Astrology Report order page and choose the free Chart Wheel at the very bottom of the list by clicking the white "Click here for Wheel" button. Then fill in your birth information, and you'll receive your chart by e-mail.

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How To See Your Zodiac Sign In Your Birth Chart

When you get your birth chart, it will look like this:

Free birth chart sample

Notice the red arrows on this sample chart. One points to the symbol for the Sun, which looks like a circle with a dot in it. the other arrow points to the zodiac sign the Sun occupies.

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Unlock The Secrets Of Your Birth Chart: Get A Report

Once you have your chart, unlock its secrets with a personalized horoscope report. Find out the top three birth chart reports now:

See Top 3 Reports

Did you know that an astrology horoscope report will tell you your zodiac sign—and the signs for all the other planets in your chart?

A report is a great way to take your astrology to the next level. If you're wondering how to choose which astrology horoscope report is best for you, we have you covered. See the article on How To Choose An Astrology Report to know exactly what you need!

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Find Your Zodiac Sign

If you want to figure out your zodiac sign for yourself, then you can use the Zodiac Signs and Planet Symbols tables below.

After you get your birth chart, find the circle with the dot in it, which is your Sun. Then look at the sign it's in and see which sign that is here:

Tables for planet and zodiac sign symbols

Get More About Your Free Birth Chart - Choose A Report

Find out about your zodiac sign—and learn the secrets of its mysterious symbols—with a personalized horoscope report. Get yours now!

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Have fun with your free birth chart! And enjoy your astrology!

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27 comments on “Free Birth Chart”

  1. I don't know actual date of birth but it is confirm that i was born in 1967th ,March'2nd week. So plz kindly guide me properly.

    1. Hello, Ghulam, and thank you for writing. To answer your questions, that depends on what information you do have. Do you know approximately when you were born? Within a day or so? Or what week or month? Do you know the year? Please write back and let me know so I can offer some recommendations! Thanks again for writing - I look forward to hearing back from you!

  2. Hii,,, i dont no my birth date but i know i was born in september name is gurmeet...actually i want to know can i get a goverment job or qualification is physics ...please reply me please.

  3. Hi,Super actionable tips! Love it.
    Thank you so much. It is very informative and deeply researched article.
    I must say it is one of the best articles I have read so far.

  4. Hello . Darling I was born 08/04/1981 can you please give me a reading for month of November 2018. Please and thank you

    1. Hello, Karolina. If you need a reading for November, try one of our Starlight Solutions Report forecast reports, either the 3 months forecast or a full year of forecast highlights: Or try a birthday report with the Many Happy Returns Solar Return Report: A report is a great doorway into deeper astrology about yourself!

      For a custom astrology session, check out my Astrology Readings page:

      Thanks for getting in touch! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Hey I was born on 1997/01/1 now m in very big problem will u plz help me out is my boyfriend will back to me? I really love him. I want him back. And when I will find a job.. . Plz reply me

  6. Hey I was born on 1997/01/15 when I will get job? Nd will I get back my loved one again now we are not together I still love him is he will back to me????

  7. Thank you so much. I was born 18 April 1970 at 07:30 in the UK. I find it difficult to find or have a secure place to live let alone own or a career. Please can you advise me in any way as I am lost

    1. Thank you for writing. Born 18 April, you are an Aries.

      Yes, your sign has had many, many changes in recent years! Uranus was in Aries, shaking things up, for seven years until this past May. See my article on Uranus in Taurus for details: You also may want to check out our astrology reports for further guidance:

      Thanks again for getting in touch, and good luck! I wish you the best in life, always.

  8. I was born on 22nd September 2000..
    I don't know the time but its somewhere around 12.25 PM..
    I want to know which type of career will suit me the most?
    I want to go in animation and designing. Will it be good for me?

    Birthplace: Ghaziabad, uttar pradesh,India..

    Plz reply.

    1. Thank you for visiting the site and getting in touch. Do get your chart for the time you do have--the Sun changed signs that day, so you are either Virgo or Libra. Either one of those signs can be good for that career. Good luck to you!

  9. Am realy happy to meet you here.I was born on the 1st of September 1970.My love life has never be good at all.I have been loosing partners the time i need them most and the second problem is job and money.Almost 4years now i have been having troubles of geting job and loosing my properties too.Am in Kenya.
    When will i get Money this year?
    When will i get a serious partner for long term (my compatibility).

    1. Keep reading your horoscope each month to find out about job, romance, and other topics. Energies coming in the months ahead to help!

  10. I heard you on WGN today and am very impressed. I am a lady in my 60s and was born 11/8 so am a Scorpio. Can you give me a reading about my love life? I would love to be in a romantic relationship. Jeanie

    1. Jeanie, watch for changes later this month after planets start to move into Pisces. Developments coming in the months ahead!

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