Gemini Horoscope 2022

Starry yellow sky for Gemini 2022 horoscope - love, money, and destiny

Welcome to a new year, Gemini! Happy 2022!

How have you been? How did 2021 work out for you? Most important: how have you done so far on your brand new celestial assignment in this first stage of the Age Of Aquarius?

Let’s take a moment to take a step back and look at you and your life over the past year. See your horoscope from last year to make a quick check on where you stand:

A big kudos to you for all you’ve done so far to move ahead into your next period of personal evolution! Well done, Gemini, well done.

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You know, you’re the quickest and lightest sign of the zodiac, thanks to that airy nature of yours plus your ruling planet, Mercury. (The one named for the great Roman communicator, who has wings on his sandals and helmet and can go anywhere in the blink of an eye.) You’re also generally up for anything and ready to try something new any time.

In the first part of this new year, though, you’ll do yourself a big favor by using all those assets to make a (temporary) backward turn . Also, early 2022 is a good time to get extra rest (especially for that super smart brain of yours) plus some solitude and spirituality. Here’s why:

  • Love and “whisper sweet nothings” planet Venus is in reverse motion from December 19, 2021, through January 29, 2022. This slowdown is happening in Capricorn, your deeply mystical, ultra introspective eighth house of life’s mysteries (the big ones - birth, death, sexuality), psychic and intuitive experiences, and deep transformation (as in shedding old baggage and wriggling out of an old, dried up snake skin so you can ascend to a new level of consciousness).
  • Because of Venus’s retrograde, this planet will spend four months in Capricorn (instead of its usual approximately three weeks in a given sign). So the period from November 5, 2021, through March 6, 2022 is giving you ample time to work on all the these big themes.
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  • Note that the eighth house also covers shared energies: both intimacy and money. Venus also has a hand in financials. Venus retrograde here wants you to get to the bottom of your personal take on both love and money and get your values into perfect alignment with your soul. Also, you may need to clean up some old business related to love relationships and business partnerships - as well as finances related to insurance, inheritance, debt and credit, mortgages, joint ventures, and alimony or child support.
  • You’ve actually been working on these areas for a while, with Pluto steamrolling through Capricorn since 2008. Like a drumbeat in the background, Pluto has been pushing you to get to the bottom of anything that needs transformation. Venus there now can help you do it with more love and get everything in line with your highest aspirations.
  • Also, your all important planet, Mercury, will go retrograde, too, from January 14 through February 3. Its reversal starts in Aquarius, your ninth house of travel (hold off on planning major trips) and concluding in, yes, you guessed it, Capricorn. So even more emphasis on all those themes Venus and Pluto already are poking around in.

All these factors support taking time to get your bearings. If you don’t have a spiritual practice (or it has lapsed), now’s your perfect chance to get back in a healthy, soul-satisfying habit of communing with your inner self.

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You may feel a strong pull in this direction on January 18. The North Node, a point of destiny involving the Moon’s orbit in relation to the Sun’s travels through the zodiac, signals where we need to go to step into the future. On the 18th, the North Node will leave Gemini, where it’s been shaking up your world in many ways since early May 2020, and slip back into Taurus, which oversees your super private, “I need time alone to meditate!” twelfth house.

Even more introspective oomph will arrive that day when Uranus, the great change maker, ends its months-long retrograde in Taurus. Pay attention to what happens around this time, and heed any urges to reinvent your inner life or spiritual practice. Also, you may get a brainstorm about a confidential project you’re working on or have a breakthrough on a health situation.

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Between Uranus and the North Node, you have a mandate to work on twelfth house themes. These energies will affect other parts of your life, depending on where Venus is because this planet rules Taurus. That makes this year’s long Venus in Capricorn period extra powerful.

Make a point to track Venus’s movements this year. As this planet moves through the zodiac, check which house in your birth chart is affected (for example, the eighth house for Capricorn, the ninth house for Aquarius, and so on). That’s where the North Node and Uranus drama will play out in your chart and your life - and where your spiritual efforts can really pay off.

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Also, as in every year, keep an eye on Mercury. Although it’s tiny, this planet has a big effect, especially when retrograde. This year, we’ll see not the usual three Mercury retrogrades but four; the last one will spill over into 2023 but starts at the end of 2022. The first three Mercury retrogrades will begin in air signs (including the May-June retrograde, which starts in your sign, Gemini) and conclude in earth signs. The fourth retrograde will occur exclusively in the earth sign Capricorn, once again triggering all the eighth house energies so prominent for you this year.

Mark your calendar now with all the retrograde dates so you’ll be prepared. Also, remember that by crossing both air and earth signs, they’ll give you a great chance to anchor ideas and communications into practical, workable projects and practices that reflect your soul’s longings because all the earth signs oversee your three most spiritual houses. Here’s your opportunity to truly walk your talk, Gemini.

Turning points related to these themes may arrive with this year’s eclipses, which will happen in Taurus and Scorpio. Here are the 2022 eclipse dates:

  • April 30, solar eclipse in Taurus. Get a new start on anything spiritual, health related, or behind the scenes (such as secret negotiations or meetings with mentors).
  • May 15-16, lunar eclipse in Scorpio. Finish a course of treatment, close out a work project or job, or end a habit or aspect of daily routine that no longer serves you.
  • October 25, solar eclipse in Scorpio. Doors may open related to work, wellness, or pets. Walk through and welcome the new.
  • November 8, lunar eclipse in Taurus. Something in your inner life may reach the end of its useful life. Let it go (or practice forgiveness and detachment, especially if you’re working with a therapist).

The other big news for you: Mars, the fiery action planet, will go retrograde in Gemini from October 30 through January 12, 2023. That’s part of a bigger Martian story, as this planet will stay in your sign for a whopping seven months (August 20, 2022 through March 25, 2023) instead of its usual six weeks in a given sign because of its slowdown. Mars can revitalize you and help you improve health with a new physical activity or greater zest for life; use its retrograde to review what needs refreshing in your health, body, and personal projects.

With all the power packed into your new year plus all the many changes and opportunities, this is a great time to get a reading. See all the different types of readings offered here:

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Happy 2022, Gemini! I wish you a fabulous year of health, happiness, and new opportunities!

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