Capricorn Horoscope 2022

Starry green sky for Capricorn 2022 horoscope - love, money, and destiny

Happy new year, dear Capricorn! Welcome to 2022!

The new calendar year always arrives during your special season, when the Sun pours light into Capricorn after the December Solstice and your birthday season arrives. I hope you’re celebrating yourself and feeling those warm rays, even if it’s cold where you live.

How are you doing on your latest cosmic assignment? The one where you do your part in lifting Earth and humanity up into the new Age Of Aquarius? Ever since 2020’s memorable Solstice in late January, when Jupiter and Saturn (your zodiac sign’s planet) met in Aquarius in that historic grand conjunction, you may have felt more urgency around letting go of the old age and entering the new age.

Take a moment before we get to your 2022 horoscope to look back at the past year by touring your 2021 horoscope.

Excellent, Capricorn. Excellent.

Now let’s turn to this shiny new year, when you will continue playing a key role.

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While your Capricorn sense of duty and responsibility may spur you to dive into new projects right away, prevailing astro energies indicate a slow start. Here’s why:

  • Venus entered Capricorn November 5 and went retrograde December 19. It will remain in reverse motion until January 29 and then take until March 6 to leave your sign. That means this planet of love, relationships, values, balance, and justice will spend four months in your sign rather than its usual three to four weeks because of its retrograde.
  • Venus has not retrograded in Capricorn since 2011, so think back to that time to notice patterns and parallels. This time around, Venus’s backward march will feel more insistent because the planets’ current placements mean the love planet will collide with Pluto three times (December 11 and 26, 2021, and March 3, 2022) rather than the more typical single pass. There’s something your heart and soul really need you to “get” so you can wrap up some deep inner work before ramping up your outer activity after the retrograde. You may need until early March to gather and ponder insights.
  • Mercury also will reverse course, from January 14 through February 3. It starts this backward slide in Aquarius and then backs into Capricorn in your first house of personality, health and vitality, and passion projects.

Because both these planets affect you directly and so personally, you’ll benefit from taking life slowly the first several weeks of 2022. Use this period to continue the deep soul searching you’ve been engaged in since powerhouse Pluto entered Capricorn in 2008.

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With Saturn, your ruling planet, in Aquarius (your second house of earning, possessions, and values) until March 2023, focus particularly on work, from the type of job you do to the money you earn to how both reflect your values. Look at whether your boss, coworkers, and clients value you and your talents; if you realize you need to make a job or career change, this retrograde period offers a perfect time to gain clarity on your next move. (But wait until the retrogrades end to act on your ideas.)

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By January 18, you may feel a change in the air. Sense what’s coming up for you at that time because love, money, and destiny may need to combine in a new equation for you, Capricorn:

  • On that date, Uranus, the planet that oversees Aquarius (and therefore has a powerful influence on the Age Of Aquarius), will end several months of retrograde motion in Taurus, your fifth house of creativity, romance, and children.
  • Also that day, the North Node, a point in space associated with the Moon and eclipses as well as our collective future and destiny, will slip out of Gemini and into Taurus, where it will stay for the next year and a half.

That means you’ll have two celestial helpers in your fifth house, urging you to leverage all things creative to express yourself in a futuristic, “out of the box” manner. Note that planets in Taurus always point to Venus because the love planet rules this zodiac sign, so, as the year starts, your forward momentum is tied directly to all the Venus retrograde energy in Capricorn.

As the year progresses, you’ll find it revealing to track Venus’s moves through the zodiac. Watch which sign Venus occupies and when this planet changes zodiac signs, then consult your birth chart for which house (and other planets) are emphasized for you, which will show where your future and Age Of Aquarius destiny currently are playing out.

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As planets move through Taurus later in the year, your move into future paths will have more help as well as greater urgency. Dates to watch are:

  • April 19 through May 20: the Sun spends its annual month in Taurus.
  • April 10 through 29 and May 22 through June 13: Mercury will spend extra time in Taurus thanks to another retrograde, which starts in Gemini (your sixth house of work and routine) and concludes in Taurus. See if a hobby or side hustle beckons you to start a business or turn talents into your main gig.
  • Venus graces Taurus, one of its two home signs (and therefore a place this planet exerts great power), May 28 through June 22.
  • Mars raises the stakes, the heat, and the drive to act and succeed while in Taurus July 5 through August 20.

Speaking of Mars, this fiery planet of new beginnings will spend a full seven months (instead of its usual several weeks) in Gemini, your employment and health house, due to retrograde motion. You’ll host the zodiac’s fireball from August 20, 2022, through January 12, 2023, allowing you to act on all this year’s inspirations about money, values, self-expression, and work.

Mark your calendar for the periods May 10 through October 28 as well as December 20 through May 16, 2023, when Jupiter spends two chunks of time in Aries, your fourth house of home, family, and spiritual underpinnings. Explore your roots, maybe with a genealogy project, increase time with loved ones, or consider enlarging your home. See how lineage informs your beliefs and philosophy of life.

Turnarounds and turning points may arrive with this year’s eclipses. Now that the North and South Nodes have changed signs to Taurus and its opposite sign, Scorpio (your eleventh house of friendship, humanitarianism, and networking), you’ll see four eclipses in these signs:

  • April 30: new Moon solar eclipse in Taurus. Start a new creative project, join a dating service, or take steps to start a family if you wish to have a baby. Initiate some kind of action in one of these areas during the two weeks after the new Moon.
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  • May 15-16: full Moon lunar eclipse in Scorpio. A work relationship or friendship may change or finish. Let go of what’s done so you can prepare the way for new opportunities.
  • October 25: new Moon solar eclipse in Scorpio. Join a new club or association, try a new type of networking, or get involved in a new fundraiser.
  • November 8: full Moon lunar eclipse in Taurus. Whatever you began at the end of April may conclude or enter a new phase.

As you can see, Capricorn, you have plenty of planetary action in 2022, bringing new opportunities and support.

With so much happening, the time is right to get a reading. Check out all the different types of readings available here:

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I wish you triumph as you dive deep, overcome outdated habits, and align even more strongly with your inner self and soul’s desires. Let Venus’s love and pleasures guide you as you step into a higher version of yourself - and your life.

Happy new year, Capricorn!

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