Current Planetary Positions

Current planetary positions information can help you plan your life with astrology.

With just a little practice, you'll be able to read the current planets chart below and use it to manage planetary positions and their energies for your benefit—and to help others.

Planetary Positions Today

Check the planetary positions today, and every day, with our handy chart:

What The Current Planets Symbols Mean

Use these tables to see what each symbol in the current planetary positions chart stands for:

zodiac signs and planet symbols

Current Planets Chart Updates In Real Time

The Current Planets chart shows exactly where the planets are, and it updates in real time whenever you refresh your browser.

NOTE: Check the time on the Current Planets chart above to see if the minutes are the same as the current time in your location. If they are, you have the latest data. If they're not, simply refresh your browser to get up to the minute data!

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How Knowing The Current Planetary Positions Can Help You

Here are some tips for making the most of this information about the planetary positions today:

  • Take note if a given planetary position today is in the same sign and degree as a planet in your birth chart. In that case, the energy of the transiting planet will create a powerful effect by combining its energies with those of the birth planet.
  • You can find out about any planet and zodiac sign listed here in my astrology articles section. See the "Find Out More About The Planets" section below for guidance.
  • The time is given as "UT/GMT," which means universal time. It's the same time as Greenwich Mean Time, which is named for Greenwich, England (the reference point for time keeping, located at 0 degree of longitude). The time is exact at the moment you access this page for the first time. After your first visit, in some cases you may need to refresh your browser as soon as you get to this page to get the current time and planetary data update. All the information will update, instantly, to the current data, whenever you refresh your browser.
  • The first and second columns list all the major planets' symbols and names.
  • The third, fourth, and fifth columns, which show the planets' exact location to the degree (third column) and the minute and second (fifth column) of arc within a particular zodiac sign (fourth column).
  • If you see a lower case "r" to the immediate right of a planet's current zodiac sign position information, that means the planet labeled as such is retrograde. (Meaning that it appears to be moving backward in the sky, from our perspective on Earth.) Find out more about retrograde planets—what they mean, how to make the most of these introspective periods—in my Mercury Retrograde article.

Read on for tips on what to do next to begin understanding the planets, the symbols, and your personal astrology.

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Find Out More About The Planets

To find out more about any of the planets, go to my astrology articles section elsewhere on this site.

When you get there, look for articles about the zodiac sign associated with the planet you're interested in. Here are the planets and the signs that go with them:

For any planet, reading about the sign associated with it will give you a good sense of its energies and how they express themselves best.

Also, look for the special guided meditations for each zodiac sign in the astrology articles section. Those will take you even deeper in understanding the signs, planets, and how to work with their powerful energies to help yourself and others. See this example of a guided meditation for Libra.

Find Out More About Planetary Positions In YOUR Chart

To see where the planets were when you were born, go to our free birth chart page.

For even more about your chart and your personal astrology, get one (or more) astrology reports. These customized reports will give you all your planetary positions as well as interpretations for what each one means, based on the sign and house it occupies.

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2 comments on “Current Planetary Positions”

  1. Hello, I need a new planetary guide sorce since Jim Maynard is not coming out with a 2020 guide. I can’t useLlewellyn because it only has EST and I need PST. Jim Maynard also had an app that I would love to see someone replace. Thank you very much Carole

    1. Hi, Carole. Yes, I was sorry to hear they're not producing the Maynard calendar for 2020! FYI: I bought Llewellyn's 2020 Daily Planetary Guide (the spiral bound desktop calendar), and it has BOTH EST and PST listed for every day of the year. The PST times are in bold face, by the way, so it seems they're especially highlighting those. Also, Susan Miller creates an annual calendar, and hers uses Pacific time for aspects; it's a wall calendar, and it has major aspects, although it doesn't mention lunar ones except new and full Moons. If you want complete aspect lists, the Llewellyn one does provide that. Thanks for getting in touch - have a wonderful day!

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