Gemini Horoscope 2020

Starry sky in bright yellow for Gemini 2020 horoscope

It's 2020, Gemini! Welcome to the new year!

Planetary energies this year will direct your attention toward money. At the same time, you'll be drawn into the inner corners of yourself to shift how you explore them.

If that sounds deep, it is. But you'll still have plenty of lighter energies and time for play. Read on for your guide to 2020.

Money - And Mysteries

When Pluto entered Capricorn, your eighth house, in 2008, it pushed you to change how you handle money. Specifically, how you manage debt, credit, inheritance, insurance, and windfall payouts such as bonuses. It also called on you to get more serious about your inner life. That's because your Capricorn house oversees not just money but life's mysteries: birth, death, sexuality, and the afterlife.

Saturn joined Pluto here late in 2018, and then Jupiter signed on in Capricorn toward the end of 2019. That's some powerful (and heavy) energy, but as we begin 2020, you also have the Sun and Mercury in this area to lighten the load.

Focus like a laser beam on getting the money mystique right. Update your will, get serious about saving for retirement, and be smart about benefits and insurance. If you earn money in lump sums (such as by commission rather than as a paycheck), get help budgeting if you need it.

At the same time, get serious about your inner life. Gemini, you usually enjoy keeping things light, flitting from one person or interest to the next, but this year your usual strategy won't work. All these planets are calling on you to enter the darkness of your very soul through meditation. Be brave! You can do this - and in the dark and the depths you'll find true gold from intuition (which can help with money matters) and from the golden light of spiritual truth.

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You'll continue to have help on your quest from Uranus in Taurus. This planet of sudden awakenings moved into Taurus, which governs your twelfth house of solitude and spirituality, in 2018 and will stay there through mid-2025. So you'll have many years to revolutionize your inner life. If you don't meditate, heed the call to go within and start now. If you do meditate, be open to shaking things up and going with sudden bursts of inspiration. What you learn can help improve health and psychological well being - and even give clues through dreams or hunches to fix practical problems on the material plane.

Your Mind And Communication

Your mind and communication also are ripe for review this year, Gemini. Your ruling planet, Mercury, is associated with what and how you think, mental quickness, and all forms of communication (including nonverbal ones such as gestures).

This year, Mercury will go retrograde three times as usual, but when it does it will be mostly in water signs: Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. Mercury prefers visiting the air and fire signs as well as the very light earth sign Virgo, which it also rules, because those harmonize better with its fast moving energies.

So in addition to the typical Mercury retrograde shenanigans, you'll need to reckon with the emotional side of life. That's not your preference nor your strength, usually, but these experiences are part of the drumbeat of 2020 for you, urging you to go within yourself and go deep - and to let yourself FEEL. It's time to be sensitive and use that powerful brain of yours to analyze emotions. If you do this work, you'll realize how powerful feelings are and how you can use them to make life so much better - both for you and everyone around you.

Love And Passion

Love planet Venus plus passion (and warrior!) planet Mars will go retrograde in 2020. These lovebirds go retrograde the least often of the planets, so when they appear to move backward in the sky, the effects are noticeable, especially in our emotional lives.

Venus will go retrograde in Gemini in May and June, putting your name all over this experience. With her charms temporarily turned off in your first house of personal style and health, you may feel a bit forlorn, as your powers of attraction go on vacation. Also, your energy might be low, so use this slowed down time to get extra rest and meditate on your personality and values.

Mars will go retrograde in Aries, his home sign, making this experience memorable (and more than a little frustrating, if you resist its mandate to stop - or at least slow down). Aries governs your friendship and volunteering area, the eleventh house, so during the retrograde (September through November), consolidate your contact list but avoid networking unless it's with people you already know. Wait to join a cause or plan a fundraiser because you won't have Mars's "can do" spirit with you. Instead, look up old pals you've lost touch with and enjoy a reunion.

Life Changes Afoot

Since November 2018, the eclipses we experience every five and a half months have occurred in Cancer and Capricorn, affecting your financial houses (and increasing the demand for you to explore life's mysteries, including emotions). In May, 2020, the Moon's nodes will shift into Gemini and Sagittarius, switching the eclipses to these signs for a year and a half.

That's more big news for you, Gemini. The eclipses will support your latest project to get in touch with feelings. At the same time, they'll bring changes to just about every area of your life, from your personal projects and interests, to key relationships, to home and real estate, to career and public service. Watch for developments and be receptive to allowing what's run its course to pass out of your life and what's waiting to arrive to make its way to you.

Horoscope 2020 - Get The In-Depth Story

2020 is a HUGE year in astrology, Gemini.

Planet Earth will witness big changes, and those will affect you and everyone in your world. Get the in-depth story on what’s coming with my detailed article, Horoscope 2020 Overview (In Depth!) – All Zodiac Signs.

Make The Most Of 2020

I wish you the best for 2020, Gemini! Dare to feel, cultivate true intimacy in all relationships, and grow your compassion. The world needs your trademark brainy intelligence - as well as your potentially powerful emotional intelligence.

Enjoy your depths!

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