New "Anna & Raven" Podcast Up! 2022 Forecast, Why Full Moons Stress Us

Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike with hosts of Anna and Raven radio show

Fun news! Anna and Raven just had me back on their radio show, and now the podcast has just posted!

What's 'In The Stars' For 2022?

It's always a pleasure to be back with Anna and Raven, talking about astrology.

We chatted about what the stars say for 2022, including why this year will help lead us out of the past couple of years of challenges.

We also talked about a recent study that there's scientific evidence to show that yes, the Sun and Moon DO affect us here on Earth. (But you already knew that!)

Hear The Podcast Now

Check out the podcast for more about what 2022 holds for us.

Whatever happens this year, opportunities are on the way - and our famous and powerful human free will can help us make the most of all the positivity and potential.

Enjoy the podcast - happy listening!

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