Why June 2020 Is Making History

June 2020 Astrology Timeline graphic showing intense astrology of Mercury retrograde, Venus retrograde, three eclipses, and more
This June 2020 Astrology Timeline shows why the period May - July (and especially the month of June) is making history around the world.

Mercury retrograde just began yet again.

Its backward move comes on top of the Venus retrograde in play since May 13 and in the midst of an intense set of eclipses in June 2020

That's already some of the most intense astrology we've seen in a while (and we've seen plenty). Yet there's more to this month's astrology, and that's precisely why June 2020 is making history.

June 2020 Astrology Timeline

The graphic above shows the June 2020 astrology timeline.

Keep in mind that these factors generally overlap each other, so we're seeing a compounding of energy and pressure for change.

Here's a rundown of what we're experiencing:

  • Venus goes retrograde: Venus begins moving backward in Gemini May 13, kicking off this intense period of astrology and change.
  • Eclipse No. 1: The first of three eclipses occurs June 5, a lunar eclipse in the fire sign Sagittarius.
  • Mercury goes retrograde: Mercury follows Venus into retrograde June 18, in the highly sensitive water sign Cancer.
  • Sun changes signs, bringing solstice: The Sun leaves Gemini for Cancer June 20, starting not just a new astrological month but a new season.
  • Eclipse No. 2: The second of three eclipses in this short period occurs June 21, a solar eclipse in Cancer.
  • Venus ends her retrograde: Venus goes direct June 24, ending six weeks of backward motion in Gemini.
  • Jupiter meets up with Pluto, with these two powerhouse planets joining in the earth sign Capricorn June 29 (and combining power with the will to expand).
  • Eclipse No. 3: The third in this set of eclipses in June and July occurs July 4, a lunar eclipse in Capricorn.
  • Mercury ends his retrograde: Mercury goes direct July 12, ending about three weeks of backward motion in Cancer.

Last Part Of June Brings Most Pressure

As you can see in the graphic above, the last part of June brings the greatest concentration of astrological occurrences - and therefore the greatest pressure.

World Events Reflect Planetary Pressure For Change

World events in May and into June reflect the planetary pressure we're already experiencing.

As of this writing, the last third of June still needs to play out, but if the past is any indication, it's time to prepare for a potentially wild ride.

Here's a list of some of the most important world events since the start of this latest round of concentrated astrological events:

  • Late May: Worst economic global recession since 2008, with coronavirus shuttering businesses and causing massive disruptions to the transport industry, widespread unemployment, and shutdown of entertainment such as movies and sports. More than 21.5 million filing for unemployment in the U.S.
  • May 15: Researchers announce discovery of a millipede fossil discovered on the island of Kerrera in the Scottish Inner Hebrides—the oldest known land animal, hailing from 425 million years ago.
  • May 25: Killing of George Floyd, resulting in protests of racism and police brutality around the world and a variety of anti-racism reactions such as removal of Confederate statues in the U.S., and police reform policies and laws.
  • May 24-26: Egypt pardons 3,157 prisoners, and Zambea pardons close to 3,000.
  • May 26: Costa Rica becomes the first Central American country to legalize same-sex marriage.
  • May 27: China enacts security legislation against separatism and foreign interference in Hong Kong. U.S. declares Hong Kong no longer autonomous, and Great Britain on June 3 announces it will change immigration laws to provide UK citizenship for people fleeing Hong Kong.
  • May 30: Rocket Dragon 2 takes off for space from Cape Canaveral, FL, the first spacecraft containing humans to take off from the U.S. since 2011.
  • June 3: More than 20,000 tons of oil pour into the Ambarnaya River in Russia; Russian government declares state of emergency.
  • June 15: U.S. Supreme Court makes sweeping decision protecting gay, lesbian, and transgender employees from being disciplined, fired, or turned down for a job based on their sexual orientation. The ruling makes LGBT people a protected class in all 50 states for the first time.
  • June 15: Chinese and Indian forces battle in the Galwan Valley with 20 Indian military and 40 Chinese military killed. This is the largest military conflict along the China-India border in 50 years. China and India are the two most populous countries in the world.
  • June 16: Number of coronavirus cases passes 8 million worldwide. Global death toll exceeds 400,000.

As of mid-June, we still have about a month to go in this period of astrological happenings.

Slow Down - Even More

As we all feel forced to change in our personal lives, and as world events continue to unfold as a wave of unexpected changes, it's time to slow down - even more than in the period that started May 13 with Venus retrograde.

It may be tempting to push because current conditions on the outer plane may make us feel we're falling behind. Yet everything astrologically indicates slow motion, stopping, resting, and simply being - as much as possible - will help us move along faster in the long run.

In fact, pushing now could bring short term results, but those results might not bear fruit or could become irrelevant or unnecessary once all the current retrogrades and eclipses conclude.

In times like these, the astrology indicates it's difficult to see what's actually happening, let alone its significance.

Stillness can help us cope as well as make constructive decisions.

Roll With Changes

During this time, slowing down will help us roll with changes.

Although that's a tall order at times, it's our best bet for coming through this time of pressure and forced shifts.

Embrace Self-Care, Kindness

It's also a good time to embrace self-care. Whatever happens in your life, you must take care of yourself to be able to go about your day and fulfill your destiny during this unprecedented time.

As you experience this historic time, remember kindness. Not only for others but for yourself. Do less than your mind demands, and let yourself have time for rest and reflection to whatever extent you can.

I wish you peace and kindness and new heights of self-care at this time.

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4 comments on “Why June 2020 Is Making History”

  1. Wow! There is ALOT going on astrologically. I'll continue to go slow, not push. Thanks for your insight Anne!
    -Patty M.

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