Horoscope 2019 - Sagittarius Horoscope

2019 horoscope for Sagittarius

Creativity And Children

Your creativity will be off the charts for the first six weeks of 2019, so use this extra mojo to create your next masterpiece or push past roadblocks in your career or artistic practice and process. This energy also will bless your children (or your ability to conceive) so plan fun outings and enjoy their sports competitions or other extracurricular activities.

Health, Personality, And Favorite Projects

Staying active will help you stay fit this year, when you'll have the best chances in 12 years to set your own course, launch exciting projects that really matter to you, and upgrade your personal style. Your personality will become even more optimistic, and you could grow into a leader if you focus on channeling your noblest traits in all your do and say. Watch a tendency to overindulge and stay focused on good habits and nutrition so you can enjoy all the delights this year will bring.

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On the job, you'll remain focused and committed to long term success and financial stability. Review both business and personal budgets while the Sun is in Capricorn through January 19 and set more ambitious goals. Use caution in spending and make sure what you invest in gives long term value. In early March, you'll begin a seven year period of fluctuations at work that affect your daily routine and could offer health or fitness breakthroughs. Look back at the period from May 15 through November 6, 2018, for clues to what's coming - but be ready for surprises that could take you in unexpected directions in career.


In love, romance will beckon from the start of the year through Valentine's Day. Use this time to enjoy passion with your partner or to find new love if you're unattached. Take action to meet someone new by going out and talking to new people, joining a dating service, and asking for introductions. The month starting March 20 will bring another passion fest, so enjoy.

Your Birthday

Birthday time arrives when the Sun enters Sagittarius on November 22. Spend time before that looking over the past year and setting fun goals that inspire you in your personal new year that begins with your birthday.

Horoscope 2019 - Astrology Trends Affecting All Signs

For much more about 2019, see my detailed 2019 horoscope about the year's astrology trends, 2019 Horoscope – Biggest Trends Affecting All Zodiac Signs.

Happy 2019

Happy 2019, Sagittarius! Have a wonderful year!

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4 comments on “Horoscope 2019 - Sagittarius Horoscope”

  1. My birthday is December 8, 1958. I was born at 4:11 am in Chicago at Lutheran Deaconess hospital. I was laid off In June and have been struggling ever since to find a job. I've sent over 500 resumes out and have had about 20+ interviews that are seemingly encouraging and a good fit, but, I'm not getting hired. Will things be looking up in the employment sector in 2020?

    Also what's in store for relationships?

    Any insight appreciated.

    1. Hello, Mary Beth. The new Moon in Capricorn on Christmas Day, plus Jupiter now in Capricorn for the next year, can help. Act now, while you still have the new Moon’s help over the next 10 days. Contact important people; also, ask siblings, friends, and cousins for leads and introductions. Welcome the unexpected! Relationships: partnerships are up for change, starting middle of this year. Let go of what you’ve outgrown - embrace the new and be flexible! Good luck!!

  2. A Sagittarius reader has gotten in touch and shared this comment:

    Hi Anne,

    Been reading your website since I found it last year. I’ve had trouble securing jobs practically my whole life. Things got worse in 2012. I’m a Sagittarius with a Scorpio rising and 2019 is supposed to be a good year for finances, but I’m still having trouble with jobs. I’ve tried working for myself numerous times and have been searching for work and going on interviews which seems like forever. I feel like something is wrong. Why is this happening to me? Are you able to see if anything is wrong? I even went back to school at one point hoping it would help me and it did not. I have not had a real job since 2012. I’m not sure what to do. I can’t afford your reading as it’s over $600 for me as I’m in Canada and also not working. I just wish there was a light at the end of the tunnel or an answer. I’ve tried asking others in this profession and they say nothing is wrong or to write down what I want which I have done without much happening. But something has to be wrong for this to be happening to me over and over again - the no finances. I hope you can help or have some insight.

    Thank you,


    1. Dear Sasha,

      My heart goes out to you. It's been a challenging time for so many, and certainly for you. Yes, if you read horoscopes for your Scorpio rising, financial expansion is supposed to be on the way (Jupiter in Sagittarius), yet if you read for your Sagittarius Sun sign, you still have Saturn (and Pluto) in your financial area right now, and those are planets that stay a longer time. Pluto brings fundamental change, and Saturn wants us to work hard - and with Saturn, we don't get the bigger reward until after we do the work. These can be very heavy energies, and it's easy to give in to gloomy thoughts (especially with Mercury - the mind - also in Capricorn right now), but you must remember your Sagittarius optimism and your ability to see the bigger picture.

      Take a look at all that's great about you and your Sagittarius zodiac sign:

      Sagittarius Zodiac Sign

      And when you need help to feel better, revisit your Sagittarius guided meditation:

      Sagittarius Guided Meditation

      Also, there are many changes coming this year that can help you in your work life. Read about Uranus in Taurus - and check the horoscopes there for both Sagittarius and Scorpio:

      Uranus In Taurus

      If you want further guidance, consider one of our forecast reports. They are priced very affordably so that nearly everyone can get guidance, whatever their situation and finances. The Starlight Solutions Forecast Report is a great option - available for either a three month or one year look ahead. And as you just had a birthday (happy birthday, Sagittarius!), you may want to check out the Many Happy Returns solar return report, which looks at a one year period, starting with your birthday:

      Starlight Solutions Report

      Many Happy Returns Report

      Also, we've been having eclipses in Aquarius-Leo the past year and a half; those will switch to Capricorn-Cancer, affecting your finances. Some doors will close, and others will open. Your life can change quickly, so it's important to get clear on what you want and what will make you happiest. All of that is work you must do yourself - and which will cost you nothing but time and introspection. Opportunities can find you if you're open and you're clear about what you want (and don't want).

      Especially with your planet, Jupiter, in your sign all year, this is your time to expand - whatever you focus on will grow. So do whatever you can to get positive and be at your best so you can attract wonderful things to you now. Check out the Jupiter in Sagittarius article for horoscopes and more details:

      Jupiter In Sagittarius

      Enjoy these resources, and may they inspire you toward a new outlook and bright future. You may want to get a notebook to start recording your ideas and writing down the most exciting plans and thoughts that come to you. If you meditate or pray, commit to doing that regularly; if you don't, then start. You can make your way through this time with grace if you apply all the goodness and intelligence within yourself to improving your situation. The state of your inner self will determine your outer experiences. So again, focus on the good and make gratitude a habit.

      Thank you for writing, and I wish you the best in life, always.

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