Capricorn has so many wonderful traits. Even if you're not a Capricorn, you have some of these special gifts, too. Find out this sign's symbols, see why it's so patient, how it helps us embrace our discipline and practicality.
Capricorn has so many wonderful traits. Even if you're not a Capricorn, you have some of these special gifts, too. Find out this sign's symbols, see why it's so patient, how it helps us embrace our discipline and practicality.
The Jupiter-Saturn conjunction on Winter Solstice December 21: it's the biggest news in decades, centuries, even millennia. Aquarian Age starts NOW. Get complete details here: dates, astrology, history, what it means for you.
The annual winter holidays can bring blessings and bliss - plus the blues. Find out how the stars can help you have a more blissful season with the December astrology podcast of Anne's latest WGN Radio appearance.
Winter Solstice astrology takes us from happy Sagittarius to practical Capricorn - and into the holidays. That means double stress. Hear how to relieve your seasonal stress in this podcast.
Winter solstice is based on astrology cycles. Find out why and how in this podcast. Also hear the "heart of the home" segment on how to use interior design not only for your home for but to build and beautify your "inner home."
Your zodiac sign reveals so much about you, including your tastes in decorating, interior design. This information comes in handy at the holidays to help you decorate your home in style, have more fun. This podcast tells you how.
Enjoy a soothing winter solstice video to feel calm and peaceful instantly. You'll love its mix of painting, photography, spoken word narration, and music--and feel inspired by nature's winter beauty.
The first day of winter bring a natural time for reflection and meditation. Why? The special astrology of this time of year shifts the energies, helping us feel ready for turning inward.
At the winter solstice, the Sun is low in the sky, and its light is weak, making us feel reflective and peaceful. This day is the shortest of the year, with the least amount of light, and yet it brings a rebirth of that very light.