2023 Podcast! Why THIS YEAR Can Be THE Year!

Astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike with radio hosts Anna & Raven - 2023 astro forecast podcast

Happy 2023!

New Podcast: 2023 Year Of Action

The stars are filled with "let's get going!" energy this year.

This year could be THE year: the one you turn a corner, accept who you really are, and go after your big dreams.

Get Details, Dates: Hear The Podcast Now

Get all the details and dates in my latest podcast from this month's visit with Anna and Raven:

2023 Year Ahead Forecast

Enjoy! And here's to your fabulous year ahead!

More 2023 Resources

Tracking Moon phases is one of the most important ways to harmonize yourself, every year.

Of the eight phases, the least known - but most critical - is the balsamic Moon.

Get my complete 2023 Balsamic Moon Phase Dates calendar now. It includes exact dates and times for all balsamic Moons this year, and it has suggestions for using this mysterious phase as well as links to more articles to support you in every balsamic period, every single year.

See the Balsamic Moon Phase calendar and mark your calendar!

Why You Really (Really!) Need An Astrology Report


An astrology report is the fastest, easiest way to decode the mysterious symbols in your birth chart.


Every report gives you highly valuable information about yourself that you'll refer to again and again


Information in your report has immediate application, so you can start using it right away to improve your situation.


A report is one of your essential keys to building a better, happier life and creating a more successful career.

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