This new Moon schedule gives you the tools you need to plan ahead for starting new projects in 2021.
It provides a complete list of every new Moon in 2021, including the date and exact time that the new Moon phase begins each month. It also tells you the zodiac sign in which each new Moon occurs.
Whenever you want to begin something, it's best to have the celestial energies with you to give your efforts the best chance to succeed. A new Moon tells you when prevailing energies favor fresh starts.
A new Moon begins a two week period called the waxing Moon. When the Moon is waxing, that means the part of its face visible to us on Earth is getting bigger gradually until it's fully visible and bright at the next full Moon.
This process provides clues on how to use new Moon energies.
The new Moon is strongest at the start of the waxing period, as soon as the new Moon begins. (See the chart below for the exact start times and dates.) Its favorable energy for beginning anything new gradually diminishes as we get closer to the full Moon, so it's best to start new projects as soon as possible after the new Moon start time.
Then you can work on your projects over two weeks as energies build toward the full Moon, when you'll likely reach a milestone or achievement (even if it's a mini one).
Here are the new Moon dates, with start times, for 2021. Dates shown in bold face type are new Moons coinciding with solar eclipses. Click the zodiac sign for each new Moon to see an article about the sign and the opportunities it provides for new initiatives.
NOTE: Dates and times are based on the U.S. central time zone.
2020 | ||
Sagittarius | December 14, 2020 (total solar eclipse) | 10:18 a.m. |
2021 | ||
Capricorn | January 12, 2021 | 11:01 p.m. |
Aquarius | February 11 | 1:06 p.m. |
Pisces | March 13 | 4:21 a.m. |
Aries | April 11 | 8:31 p.m. |
Taurus | May 11 | 1:00 p.m. |
Gemini | June 10 (annular solar eclipse) | 4:52 a.m. |
Cancer | July 9 | 7:16 p.m. |
Leo | August 8 | 7:50 a.m. |
Virgo | September 6 | 6:52 p.m. |
Libra | October 6 | 5:05 a.m. |
Scorpio | November 4 | 3:14 p.m. |
Sagittarius | December 4 (total solar eclipse) | 1:43 a.m. |
2022 | ||
Capricorn | January 2, 2022 | 12:33 p.m. |
Twice a year, we experience eclipses at the time of the new Moon.
Any time an eclipse occurs at a new Moon, it's a solar eclipse, which occurs when the new Moon moves between the Earth and the Sun, temporarily interrupting the light and other energies that typically pour forth to us from the Sun.
A solar eclipse is an extra powerful new Moon. With solar light momentarily dimmed or hidden, it's a chance to interrupt business as usual, reset our plans and beliefs, and then start out on a new path or project in better alignment with universal energies.
In 2021, we'll see two solar eclipses:
In a total solar eclipse, the Moon completely covers the Sun as seen from Earth. In an annular eclipse, the Moon is too far from the Earth for it to cover the Sun completely, so a narrow ring of light appears around the Moon (which appears dark) as it passes over the Sun.
Not all eclipses are visible everywhere on Earth, and you must wear special protective eye gear to watch any solar eclipse.
Weather permitting, the June 10 solar eclipse will be visible as an annular eclipse in parts of northern Canada, Greenland, and Russia; it will be visible as a partial eclipse in parts of the U.S., Europe, and northern Asia.
The December 4 eclipse will be visible as a total solar eclipse in Antarctica; residents of South Africa and areas in the south Atlantic and Antarctica will see a partial eclipse.
Move ahead in your life with the 2021 new Moons and especially the 2021 solar eclipses.
In general, new Moons are the best time to start something new. Solar eclipses amplify this powerful impulse for the new.
Solar eclipses bring necessary change by energizing us to move on to something new and exciting that's more in tune with who we have become. They're one of the natural cycles that correlate with moving us ahead in our personal and collective evolution.
So while lunar eclipses tend to bring matters toward closure, solar eclipses coincide with a "fresh start" energy that allows us to move in new directions. They're just like new Moons - only more so!
Take these opportunities of 2021's new Moons and solar eclipses to welcome in change this year. By planning ahead, you can make the most not only of 2021's two "let's move on!" solar eclipses but all 12 of its "fresh start" new Moons.
In addition to the new Moon phase, you can benefit from knowing about some if the Moon's other phases.
Find out about some other important Moon phases - click the links below to see all my articles about the full Moon and balsamic Moon phases: