Secret Wisdom Of The Moon: When To Rest

Black night sky with balsamic crescent Moon and text: Balsamic Moon Phase: 2023 Dates, Times


It's one of life's great skills. And with the secret wisdom of the Moon, you can begin mastering this essential skill.

Ancient Wisdom, Modern Moon Guidance

The Moon's ancient wisdom still guides us. 

You can feel it, every time you look up at the sky during a crescent Moon and feel its promise or during a full Moon and feel its power.

But the very last phase of every monthly Moon cycle is the one we need most in modern life. It's called the balsamic phase, and it's the time when the lunar cycle is nearly over and the Moon seems to disappear in the night sky, just before the next new Moon.

That's our cue to "disappear" a bit by taking time by ourselves, turning inward to meditate, and just slowing down and stopping. Not forever, but just three and a half days.

If you do this one phase, it puts you in perfect harmony with nature and lets you get the rest you need before the next new Moon, when life revs up once again.

Next Balsamic Moon Phase Starts Today

The next balsamic Moon phase starts today.

It's the first one of 2023, so mark your calendar and prepare to get some some downtime in the next few days.

(Yes, do rest, even though Mercury retrograde ends today and you might be itching for action. It's not quite time to come out swinging: wait until the new Moon on January 21!)

Get Your 2023 Balsamic Moon Calendar

To help you make the most of this rest and reflection opportunity all year long, I've posted my new Balsamic Moon Calendar for 2023.

You'll find exact dates and times for every balsamic Moon in 2023 so you can plan ahead.

You'll also find guidance for using this Moon phase well.

Rest Up

So rest up these next three and a half days.  

And get your Balsamic Moon Calendar for 2023 now. 

Enjoy your balsamic Moon retreat, and may the stillness restore and inspire you!

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