Virgo Horoscope 2021

A Cosmic Love Letter To Virgo

Virgo Horoscope 2021 - tan starry sky for Virgo and A Cosmic Love Letter

Virgo, you made it! Happy 2021!

Of all the zodiac signs, yours may have had the most difficult time being held in place last year, unable to circulate or do the things you're accustomed to doing.

As a mutable sign (one of the four zodiac signs that come at the end of a season), you need movement, change, and variety. Having to operate under a stay at home order goes against your very nature, and your brilliant, legalistic mind may have gone into hyperdrive trying to figure out ways to get around the rules. But you couldn't - not this time.

Instead, you had to live with uncertainty and difficult emotions such as fear. Even more challenging, you had to endure a strange (for you) sort of stillness that tested your ability to let go of worn out ways and "business as usual." (And "busy-ness as usual," for you dearly love to be busy!)

Instead of calling the shots for change and improvements with your endless lists and staying on the go to keep up with tasks, you had to get used to having no control over the changes whooshing through your life on many, many fronts: career, marriage and other key relationships, home and family, and personal projects and health.

For last year, besides the usual Mercury retrogrades you know so well, we lived through both Venus and Mars retrograde - the two planets that reverse course the least often. One after another, the planets slowed down, stopped, and backed up over ground already covered - much as you had to do, time and time again.

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You love making things better, and last year you had to settle for seeing how many parts of life needed work (without being able to do much about it). You're so competent and conscientious that you likely felt terrible about not being able to get things done or be of service according to your usual supremely high standards. Every time Mercury went retrograde in 2020, your feelings deepened because his retrogrades were all in water signs, which force us to FEEL. (I know, I know - you'd rather be in your head!)

Having six eclipses (instead of the usual four) compounded your feelings, especially because two of them were in super duper sensitive Cancer, a sign that oversees your friendships and altruism. If you let people down under circumstances beyond your control, you felt it down to your toes.

Even when you tried to have fun by working on creative projects, playing with children, or getting out there to date, it may have felt like work or else your plans went bust once the world health situation broke open. You had three heavy hitters (Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto) in Capricorn, which oversees your fifth house of pleasures, romance, and children, and they put a damper on fun as you learned to take responsibility in some way. Perhaps through having a child, taking a more mature view of love, or foregoing momentary pleasure for longterm health and happiness.

Now, it's a new year, and so much of the heaviness is behind you!

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Jupiter and Saturn have marched into Aquarius in your sixth house - your favorite house because it's all about the Virgo themes you love: health (especially holistic), a sound daily routine, pets, and a meaningful job that allows you to be of service. Saturn will remain until March 2023, while Jupiter will stick around until nearly the end of December 2021 (except for a couple months in Pisces from mid-May through late July).

Yours is a soul that needs to serve, and with the new Age Of Aquarius, that's where the ongoing action will be for the rest of this lifetime.

Remember all that hard work you did on a hobby or creative business idea? Now it's time to see how you can turn it into your life's work, your daily pleasure. You have a chance this year to make your reputation by staking a claim to your personal genius and leveraging its potential to help others and improve the world. Use that brilliant mind of yours (courtesy of your ruling planet, smart Mercury) to expand your thinking and take inspiration from every wild, wonderful idea that occurs to you. Let new thoughts enter your consciousness, get them down on paper, and put off analysis until you record the raw data.

Next, plan ahead to use this year's Mercury retrograde periods to do that analysis you love. (Mark your calendar NOW for all 2021 Mercury retrogrades.) All three will happen in air signs, which will feel so much more natural for you because they'll emphasize intellect. Pull the best from the past as you create for the future. These retrogrades will support your work and career - and the money you earn from them. The first one arrives January 30 through February 21 - Aquarius. Yes, in your favorite sixth house, in a sign that's compatible with your mercurial temperament!

Whatever you do, think big - BIG! (Even as you carry on being practical.) Something about what you're doing as part of the new Age Of Aquarius has a mass (and massive!) quality - it's international, or associated with higher education, or linked to big media such as publishing or broadcasting. As soon as you can travel safely again, get yourself in motion with a business trip overseas or an international study opportunity. Until then, prepare by studying a foreign language or culture, renewing ties with global connections, or researching import-export opportunities or international finance or banking.

Get A Personal Forecast For 2021 Now!

Watch these dates as 2021 plays out because they'll help you stay on track and roll with quickly changing conditions:

  • February 27 - full Moon in Virgo. Lighten your schedule and allow time to process emotions (which could be intense). Make time for meditation and spiritual service.
  • May 26 - total lunar eclipse in Sagittarius, your home and family area. Something may reach fruition, and you may see a change that helps you move into the future.
  • July 23 and August 22 - TWO full Moons in a row in Aquarius! That's your fave sixth house, Virgo. See what information pops and use whatever truth emerges to strengthen and streamline whatever you're creating for the new Age Of Aquarius.
  • August 22 - the Sun enters Virgo! Your birthday season arrives, and you start a new personal year. Use the month before to complete projects, purge files, and clean up your office so you're ready for a new start.

Virgo, I'm so excited to see what you create! You're a precious part of the new Age Of Aquarius, and we all need your exceptional dedication and attention to detail. You're the one who's going to make sure we don't just do the right things but that we do them right!

Thank you - and happy 2021!

Get More About 2021!

Get even more good news about the new year with the Horoscope 2021 - Year Ahead Forecast. You'll find so many reasons why this year will be (much!) better than 2020 - plus inspiration for going after your hopes and dreams and welcoming in new wishes and greater light.

See the Horoscope 2021 - Year Ahead Forecast now.

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