Capricorn Horoscope 2021

A Cosmic Love Letter To Capricorn

Capricorn Horoscope 2021 - green starry sky for Capricorn and A Cosmic Love Letter

Welcome to 2021!

Thank you. THANK YOU.

Of all the zodiac signs, you bore the brunt of 2020's heavy demands and (ahem!) subdued energies.

You've been under a personal raincloud for so very long that you may not realize how much light is available and how much darkness has finally left your world.

Let's take a moment to remember just how much you accomplished - the mountains you moved.

Ever since 2008, when Pluto stole into your zodiac sign in the dark of night, you've been under a heavy program of personal renewal. Pluto, tiny yet mighty, put you on the fast track toward destroying everything that no longer serves you (or whose time simply had come) to create a level field from which you could build a new foundation - and a very new you.

In 2018, your ruling planet, Saturn, joined the action. You couldn't get away with ANYTHING. And you couldn't put off your assignments any longer. Time to get serious, get real (and practical), and just get on with it.

Then, at the end of 2019, (usually jolly) Jupiter blew into Capricorn, where his talent for supersizing everything he touches served to magnify hard work, possibly some gloom, and everything connected to your health, vitality, and personal improvement efforts. If you weren't at your best, Jupiter showed that clearly and demanded that you fix your thinking and beliefs to fix your wellness so you could finish what you simply HAD to do.

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Combine all that with eclipses that hit you personally in Capricorn (and affected your spouse from across the way in Cancer), and you faced an uphill time of it.

It's been a long, arduous road, and you had to go slowly and take it one step at a time.

But you did it, Capricorn! I'm so impressed with your fortitude and dedication.

No matter how tired you feel, please take a moment now to feel proud of yourself. Go to a mirror and take a bow, for I'm applauding you. (And so are many others, even if you're not aware of it.)

When any of us step up and "do" anything associated with Saturn or Capricorn, we earn a reward. It doesn't come until all the shouting is done and the heat of the battle subsides, but it does come.

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YOUR reward? You've been tested and found worthy. You now wear the face of leadership, authority, and gravitas. You're an elder in the tribe (whatever your chronological age), and you're aligned to integrity and the greater good. Others know they can depend on you to come through, no matter what. And with Pluto still in your sign (through 2024), that gives you POWER.

Congratulations, Capricorn!

How will you use your power and hard won status?

Most likely on the job or via your public role and influence. (Of course! Your sign is so strongly associated with career and recognition!)

At the end of 2020, your planet, Saturn, finally freed you by moving into Aquarius. His "I'm in charge of society!" pal Jupiter joined him days later. With their grand conjunction on the December 21, 2020, Solstice, they signaled the start of the new Age Of Aquarius. For REAL.

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SO exciting! Especially for you because of Saturn's role in seeing to it that humanity builds a new foundation for a just, altruistic, idealistic culture that brings everybody into the loving circle of belonging.

Sounds like a tall order? Yep - just the thing for an ambitious Capricorn like yourself.

Your part in all this will play out - for the rest of this lifetime - in Aquarius, which oversees your second house. That's the place where you earn money from a regular paycheck, go shopping, and create a budget. It's also where you reckon with things of value (fine art, the family jewels, antiques) and your values (as in what's dear to you).

It it love? Or money? Nope, not really. (Despite how career focused you are.) It's friendship. Selfless help for others. Standing up to authority so you can express your hopes, dreams, and wishes - and make them come true. Mentoring the next generation…so THEY can manifest their hopes, dreams, and wishes.

You'll have excellent support this year to get started on your Age Of Aquarius cosmic mission.

All three Mercury retrogrades will happen in air signs, which happen to be the ones governing your money and work zones (second, sixth, and tenth houses). These retrogrades will uplift your thoughts and redirect your professional potential toward idealism so you can invent a way to change the world through the work you do in the world.

Isn't that fantastic?

The universe had this special Aquarian style job opening, and you are PERFECT for it!

The first Mercury retrograde will start January 30, so get ready for three weeks of mulling over your new cosmic assignment and re-evaluating your work life to pinpoint areas that have to come into alignment with the new you and your huge new job.

Also, get your calendar and mark these dates NOW so you're primed to use their potential to leverage all you bring to your Age Of Aquarius mission:

  • January 12 - your annual new Moon in Capricorn! Start anything your heart desires within about 10 days after this date (perhaps something that improves your health or upgrades your look to match your achievements).
  • January 19 - the Sun moves into Aquarius, jump starting your new work. Let it light your way over the next month!
  • February 17, June 14, and December 24 - Saturn (your planet) will confront Uranus (the Aquarius planet) in Taurus, which handles your creativity. You need a breakthrough in how you use your talents, the child within, and creative genius in your new cosmic mission. Wrestle with this in 2021 so you really "get it" by the end of the year - and are then able to fire on ALL cylinders in what you want to achieve.
  • June 24 - full Moon in Capricorn. Keep your calendar open, make time to meditate in the days leading up to this date, and take good care of yourself (especially emotionally). Seeds planted around January 12 can come to fruition, or powerful truths may come to light.
  • July 23 and August 22 - instead of just one full Moon in Aquarius, we'll have TWO of them in a row in 2021. Watch the week leading up to each one to see what pops (perhaps literally!) in your new cosmic mission. Take good care and get extra rest.

Oh, Capricorn!

You're one of the stars of this new Aquarius show! I'm looking forward to what you're going to do, and I know it's going to make all the difference in creating the very best version of an Age Of Aquarius we can muster as a species.

Thank you, and happy 2021!

Get More About 2021!

Get even more good news about the new year with the Horoscope 2021 - Year Ahead Forecast. You'll find so many reasons why this year will be (much!) better than 2020 - plus inspiration for going after your hopes and dreams and welcoming in new wishes and greater light.

See the Horoscope 2021 - Year Ahead Forecast now.

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