Free Astrology Course

Learn Astrology In Less Than An Hour!

Red and purple photo with Astrology Anne - free astrology course: learn astrology  basics in just one hour.
Learn astrology: in less than an hour, learn everything you need to get started. Learn at your own pace with this free astrology course podcast.

Want to learn astrology?

Get started now - for free - with my astrology course podcast. It's a richly detailed astrology course (presented in an interview format within a podcast) that teaches you all the astro basics in less than an hour.

As an extra bonus, at the end you'll find a sneak preview of 2021 astrology for all star signs.

Free Astrology Course: What's Included

This podcast gives you a powerful, detailed course in astrology in just 54 minutes.

Astrology Basics - And Deep Insights

So, in less than one hour, you'll learn the basics of astrology - plus some deep insights that will have you loving astrology and ready to start your personal "journey within" to explore your own astrology.

By the end of the podcast, you'll know enough to start using astrology and star signs right away to improve your career, love life and compatibility, business relationships, and spiritual life.

Topics Included

During the podcast, you'll hear Kyra Mahoney, host of the Vibe Selection podcast, interview me about astrology. This interview format makes for a fun and interesting astrology course that covers the kinds of questions you definitely want to know.

This astrology course covers:

  • What is astrology?
  • The 12 zodiac signs - also called "star signs"
  • Significance of the number 12 (and 7)
  • The elements: earth, water, air, and fire
  • The symbols and stories for all 12 zodiac signs
  • Compatibility: how zodiac signs get along (or don't!)
  • Career: how to use astrology on the job, find your best career
  • Astrology as a tool: cycles
  • Sun signs, Moon signs, ascendant (or rising) signs
  • Love and relationships

The last approximately 15 minutes of the astrology course provides a look at 2021 astrology.

Also, as part of the course, you'll get a behind the scenes look at how I got my start in astrology.

Start The Astrology Course Now - Hear The Podcast

Start learning astrology now. Use the player below to hear the podcast (originally broadcast on Vibe Selection) and start benefiting from astrology in every part of your life!

Click the play button (the white circle at lower right) in the podcast player above to start the astrology course podcast now.

Learn More Astrology

Learn Astrology: More Tools

Learn more about astrology with additional podcasts and many other tools and resources. 
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