Astrology Podcast - Winter Solstice

Anne Nordhaus-Bike winter solstice astrology WGN Radio

Anne's appearance this morning on Frank Fontana's "Design Dude" program on WGN Radio AM 720 was recorded and has just been posted as a podcast on WGN's website.

On today's show, "we're bringing back one of my favorite gals, my celebrity astrologer Anne Nordhaus-Bike, in our Heart of the Home segment," Fontana said. "Our phone lines light up any time Anne is on: last time, we had people waiting in line right away, just to get a moment with Anne and myself."

Hear The Winter Solstice Podcast Now

Listen on the WGN Radio website:

"Heart Of The Home" Segment: Designing With Energy

Of the Heart of the Home segment, Fontana said, "It's a very fun, inspirational time—I like it. This is a design and lifestyle show, and we talk about home improvement." Anne's work "makes sense in our [home design] world because my design philosophy is, I'm all about designing with energy, and Anne's got a pulse on the huge energy field out there that we can't see but we can definitely feel."

When asked how astrology can help with design and home improvement, Anne explained that "Astrology can help you build your inner house and make it beautiful. And then that inner house gets reflected in your outer house. If you're more in alignment with who you are inside of yourself, that will express itself beautifully and naturally. And then you can create an outer environment that actually enhances your spirituality as well as your everyday life and makes it easy and beautiful and harmonious."

After talking about the Solstice, including what it is and the opportunities it brings, callers of many different Sun signs shared stories of what's happening in their lives; Frank and Anne spoke with the callers about what to expect in 2014 and how to make the most of changing times. Throughout, they offered ideas for handling challenging times, and Anne shared thoughts on timing based on current planetary energies and positions.

Hear The Show On WGN's Website

WGN Radio recorded the program and has posted it on the station's website. Hear the entire program at

More About Winter Solstice

See more articles plus podcasts and a video about Winter Solstice:

Feel Peaceful Now - Capricorn Winter Solstice Meditation Video

Winter Solstice Will Make You Feel Peaceful

First Day Of Winter - Best Time For Meditation

Capricorn Time: Build A Place For Light

Winter Solstice Astrology - How To Relieve Holiday Stress (Podcast)

Avoid Holiday Blues - Astrology For Seasonal Bliss (Podcast)

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