Full Moon Schedule 2019

Full Moons in 2019

Every month, we experience a full Moon.

Every full Moon brings powerful energies. You may have noticed that emotions run higher at this time.

Also, full Moons often bring turning points because their high energies may force situations to reach a head so we can see what's really happening and make better decisions.

Full Moons Take Us Within, Too

Along with the often hectic activity during a full Moon comes an urge to turn within. All the change and challenges on the outer plane demand a thoughtful response, which comes from stepping back for solitude, prayer, and meditation.

If we take that time to go within, we receive the reward of especially meaningful experiences and insights that can help us resolve issues or harness new inspirations. Meditating on an especially thorny problem can bring solutions we cannot identify when we're in a rush or preoccupied with outward effort.

Full Moons Inspire

Full Moons also are beautiful. Poets, painters, and composers have celebrated their magnetic powers to turn tides and its visionary ability to inspire creativity and oneness with the cosmos.

Just the sight of a full Moon inspires us deeply. There's something magical about seeing the golden glow of a full Moon in a dark night sky.

You can benefit from the Moon’s beauty by going outdoors to gaze at this satellite of Earth whenever the Moon is full and the skies are clear in your area. Make it a monthly date if possible, even if for a moment or two.

Notice Your Feelings At Full Moon

Take time to notice how you feel in the days around each full Moon. Jot down whatever insights and inspirations you receive so you can act on them later.

The day of a full Moon as well as the day before and the day after offer especially powerful opportunities for spiritual efforts, so be sure to make time for prayer and meditation at this time each month.

2019 Full Moon Dates

Here are the full Moon dates for 2019.

LeoJanuary 20
VirgoFebruary 19
LibraMarch 20
April 19
ScorpioMay 18
Sagittarius June 17
CapricornJuly 16
Aquarius August 15
Pisces September 13
Aries October 13
Taurus November 12
Gemini December 11
Cancer January 10, 2020

Notice that 2019 will bring two full Moons in Libra, the sign opposite Aries. These full Moons, on March 20 and April 19, will help us balance this year’s high Aries energies (and its potential for negative Aries manifestations) with Libra’s trademark peace, diplomacy, and ability to nurture good relationships.

More Moon Phases

You can find out the other good times for meditation, based on other Moon phases, in these articles:

Enjoy the full Moons each month, all through 2019. May all your turning points take you in good directions!

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2 comments on “Full Moon Schedule 2019”

    1. Thanks, Kelly. Let me know more specifics about what you'd like to see here on the site! Meantime, wanted to mention the balsamic Moon phase, which you may know about? I have a couple posts about that you may find really helpful:

      Balsamic Moon Phase Dates 2019
      Balsamic Moon Phase – Time To Rest, Reflect

      I also have an article about Moon phases and meditation:

      How To Relieve Stress – Use Astrology To Meditate At Right Time

      Enjoy these articles - and write back to tell me more about what you're interested in. Thanks again for commenting!

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