One Of Astrology's Best Kept Secrets: When To STOP

Get Your 2022 Balsamic Moon List!

Orange-yellow balsamic Moon crescent for 2022 balsamic dark Moon dates, times

Timing is everything, and yet it can be one of life's toughest skills to master.

Especially when to STOP.

Luckily, one of astrology's best kept secrets can help you hone your timing skills, starting right now.

Balsamic Moon Phase: Secret Wisdom

What's the secret? The balsamic Moon phase.

All the better known phases like the new and full Moons get most of the attention in the night sky, but it's the balsamic phase that has the secret wisdom we need most in modern life.

That's because every time the balsamic phase rolls around each month, the wise person slows down and stops. Not forever, but just three and a half days.

That one choice puts you in perfect harmony with nature and lets you get the rest you need before the next new Moon, when life revs up once again.

Next Balsamic Moon Comes This Friday!

The next balsamic Moon phase comes this Friday, January 28.

Mark your calendar and build in some downtime. You'll be so glad you did, once the new Moon comes next week.

Get Your 2022 Balsamic Moon Calendar

To help you make the most of this opportunity all year long, I've just posted my new Balsamic Moon Calendar for 2022.

You'll find exact dates and times for every balsamic Moon in 2022 so you can plan ahead for using it.

You'll also find guidance for using this Moon phase well plus links to other Moon articles and phases you need for "perfect timing."

Take A Rest

So get ready to take a rest.

And get your Balsamic Moon 2022 Dates now. Mark your calendar with all the dates (and smile to yourself when you do, now that you're "in the know" about this "best kept secret"!).

Enjoy the upcoming balsamic Moon time!

Find Out More About YOUR Moon

You can find out more about your personal Moon in your birth chart with an astrology report.

A report is a great way to tune in to the Moon even better because you can find out what sign your Moon is in (and what house, if you know your birth time).

The type of report to choose for more about your Moon is what's called a "Natal Report." When you buy a Natal Report, you'll get information about your birth chart and all its symbols, from the Moon and the Sun to all the other planets.

Shop Natal Reports Now

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