Clear Skin With The Stars

clear skin and astrology podcast interview with anne nordhaus-bike
Rachael Pontillo, host of the Spiritual Skincare Sundays podcast, recently welcomed Anne to her show to talk about how clear skin and astrology are closely related. During the video interview, Anne talked about how astrological energies affect your skin and how to tap these energies to keep your skin looking beautiful and feeling balanced.

Did you know that clear skin and astrology are closely related?

Rachael Pontillo, a holistic skincare entrepreneur and host of Spiritual Skincare Sundays, recently welcomed Anne to her show to talk about how astrology can help listeners improve their skin easily and holistically.

Rachael and Anne's eye-opening and information-packed conversation is available in a lively 30-minute video podcast that you can watch right now.

"Thank you, Anne, for sharing your gifts with my audience and me," Pontillo said. "I'm excited to share our interview podcast! Watching it again, I must say I think it's one of my favorites that I've done thus far."

How Clear Skin And Astrology Are Related

During the interview, "We're going to talk about how your astrological sign actually affects your skin," Pontillo said.

"And how if you have a skin condition, you can actually use astrology to help it possibly get better. I'm really excited to talk about astrology as a whole body-mind-spirit healing system rather than just divination. Anne, you have a completely different approach to it, something that is more practical than other methods. Many people are familiar with astrology for the purposes of divination or planning for love and career and money and all of that. And they're not as familiar with its uses for mind-body-spirit health and wellness."

As Anne noted, "Astrology is super practical because it organizes all of creation into 12 departments. That's the 12 signs. But it organizes it on all planes of being. So we get the earth plane as well as the planes of our consciousness and emotions, our minds, and our spirituality. Astrology can give us this very practical side: where is the Sun? What sign is it in? And then how does that affect all planes of our being? And so it's wonderfully holistic because it welds together the super idealistic with the super practical."

Just knowing a few basic astrology facts can help people understand their skin better and see why they may experience skin problems at certain times of year.

For example, Pontillo interviewed Anne for her show while the Sun was moving through the fiery cardinal sign Aries, so Anne shared some tips on how to be aware of fire energy and how to balance it for better skin health.

Enjoy The Podcast Now

Hear how astrology can help you achieve clear skin by paying attention to important seasonal changes that affect our bodies - especially the skin.

Also Available On YouTube

The video podcast also is available on YouTube:

Enjoy the podcast!

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