What I've Been Up To Since Retiring From Astrology

Artist Anne Nordhaus-Bike holding watercolor paintings with cat in background

Painting, paper - oh, and cute cat moments!

The last time we talked, I was telling you about retiring from astrology.

It's been an interesting journey since then, spending more time in my studio, making art, and doing all the things artists do.

(See my art website now at https://artistanne.com/.)

For watercolor painters like me, that means a lot of focus on PAPER.

Not just painting on paper, but everything from cutting paper to researching it to ordering it to doing inventory. (Because I use a lot of paper, many different types.)

The picture above shows some of the paper fun in my studio:

I'm holding a "three for one" stack of watercolors. For every watercolor painting, there are two other pieces of paper - a piece of blotting paper and then a slightly larger mounting paper.

As I said, a LOT of paper!

Oh, and did you notice my helper in the background?

That's Sterling The Cat.

He's great company, and his constant cuteness makes me smile and laugh.

What makes you happy and makes you laugh these days?

Write back in the comment section below and let me know!

Visit My Art Website

Also, do check out my art, wander through colorful paintings, explore interesting mixed media art - all on my art website, https://artistanne.com/

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