There are three major kinds of birth chart astrology reports. We offer options in all these category.
The type you choose depends on what kind of information you want:
Natal reports interpret your astrological birth chart, telling you where all the planets were when you were born and giving you descriptions of what each planet in a particular sign (and particular house, if you supply an exact birth time) means. Specialized natal reports look at a very specific factor in your birth chart, such as karma and past lives or career and vocational guidance.
Compatibility reports look at two people's charts to offer guidance on what the people have in common and what differences they experience. They also provide some ideas on how to harmonize the various planetary energies to help foster a constructive relationship.
Forecast reports look at upcoming planetary placements that will affect you and provide guidance on how to prepare for them and handle their energies constructively.
Get A Report To Interpret Your Chart
Here are the reports we offer in each of these three areas:
Let these reports help you dig deeper into your personal astrology. As you refer to them over the months and years ahead, you’ll find yourself living in harmony—easily, naturally, and beautifully.
Start Getting The Life You Want
An astrology report is the fastest, easiest way into your personal astrology. It's the key to getting the life you want!