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Life Path Natal Report

Astrology birth chart reports Indra Natal Report

The Life Path Natal Report is a highly detailed, deeply insightful report about your birth chart.

You don’t need your exact time of birth to get it, but if you have the time you’ll get a bit more data. To get your birth time, see the suggestions in How Can I Find Out My Birth Time?

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What You'll Find In The Life Path Natal Report

For the most comprehensive interpretation available in any computerized report, without requiring a birth time, select the Life Path Natal Report.

The Life Path Natal Report gives you an exceptional, comprehensive review of your birth chart, with full details and wonderful insights about all the planets and how to use their energies constructively.

It covers every planet in your chart and all the important relationships between various pairs of planets. It does not require an exact birth time, but if you have your birth time, you will receive a few more details in your report.

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Here's what this report provides:

  • Numerous sections or chapters covering all the planets and the signs they're in.
  • All the top "aspects" or planet-to-planet relationships for all planets that are connected mathematically in terms of geometrical relationships within the circle of the zodiac.
  • Details on the four elements, based on your chart's unique mix of earth, water, air, and fire.
  • Your chart's "pathway pointer," which indicates the important ways you need to stretch yourself and be willing to grow.
  • A complete list of all the positions for all the planets at the exact moment you were born. You'll refer to this list again and again, as you track the planets each day, month, and year - and see how the current planets' positions affect your birth chart planets and influence your life here and now.
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How The Life Path Natal Report Can Help You

This Life Path Natal Report takes you beyond your Sun sign, which is based on your month and day of birth. Your Sun sign is what people mean when they say "I'm a Taurus" or "I'm a Pisces."

But there are nine other heavenly bodies that influence your life. All these planets also occupied one of the 12 signs of the zodiac when you were born. Here is where astrology comes more fully alive for you.

This report looks at spiritual and psychological implications as well as "material plane" potentials that are part of your individual life plan. What happens with your potential, however, is up to you: you have free will, so the life choices you make decide to a significant extent how these cosmic energies play out.

In this report, you'll find confirmation for things you already may feel intuitively. It will help unlock the door for new possibilities you may not have considered, giving you exceptional value and affirming your inner strengths.

Birth Time Not Needed - But Helpful If You Have It

The Life Path Natal Report will take you on a revealing journey as you travel through each interpretation based on your unique month, day, and year of birth.

If you have your birth time and enter it when you get this report, then it will cover your ascendant or "rising sign" in addition to all the other topics presented, adding another dimension to your personal horoscope interpretation. And if you don't have your birth time, that's absolutely fine! You'll still get much useful and insightful personal information in your report.

If you don't already have your birth time, see the suggestions in How Can I Find Out My Birth Time?

See A Sample Report Now

You can see a sample of this report now. Visit our online astrology report and chart service and see the General Natal Reports section; see the Life Path Natal Report and click the pink "View Sample" button to see a sample report.

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Get Your Life Path Natal Report Now

The Life Path Natal Report makes astrology comes alive for you.

With this report, you'll build on all the special qualities of your Sun sign by adding wonderful details about all the other planets in your birth chart.

Having that information will help set you on your true "life path" in this incarnation.

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Stop Struggling - Start Living Your True Path

Let the Life Path Natal Report help you stop struggling with ho-hum pastimes and dead end choices.

Use it to discover your special purpose and destiny - so you can focus on why you're here and what you're meant to be and do.

As you apply the wisdom in this report, you'll find your way to your true life path and figure out how to follow it to create the life you're meant to live.

Get your Life Path Natal Report now - and find your way forward in life!

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Make Astrology Work For You

An astrology report is the fastest, easiest way into your personal astrology. 
It's the key to getting the life you want! 
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